Rock Springs Uplift and Adjacent Areas (cont.)
4 Rock Springs Uplift (cont.)
4.3 Rock Springs Uplift Middle Units (cont.)
4.3.2 Ericson sandstone

Figure 4-19. Ericson sandstone in Rock Springs.
View to the northwest at the western edge of Rock Springs. Here, in the western half of the Rock Springs anticline, the Ericson sandstone layer dips to the west (left on picture), cut off by the Killpecker Creek. Only the upper member of this unit is visible in this outcrop, consisting of sandstone and chert-grit conglomerate. It is overlain by the Almond formation behind the hill.

Figure 4-20. Weathered Ericson sandstone, north of Rock Springs.
Weathered upper member of Ericson sandstone, in the western half of the Rock Springs uplift, Wyoming.

Figure 4-21. Ericson sandstone overlying coal-bearing Rock Springs formation.
East of Superior, in the eastern half of the Rock Springs uplift. White Ericson sandstone (Ke) conformably overlies the Rock Springs formation (Krs), which here shows thin black coal beds over grayish shale.
4.3.3 Almond formation

Figure 4-22. Almond formation north of Rock Springs, Wyoming.
Alternating beds of sandstone and shale. Location: north of Rock Springs, western half of Rock Springs uplift.

Figure 4-23. Almond formation overlying Ericson sandstone.
View to the north, east of Point of Rocks, in the eastern half of Rock Springs uplift, Wyoming. Both units are well exposed here on the northern side of the Bitter Creek valley.